Let’s play Fear of the Future BINGO!

Doing radio phone-ins exposes Tom to lots of complaints about the modern age and exposes people’s fears of the future. How many of these do you recognise? Plus what does the future of recruitment look like?

Om Podcasten

Welcome to Future-proof Your Career, your guide to the most important skills for a long, successful working life. This is a special season of the Talk About Tomorrow podcast, exploring in depth the idea of the Three Cs, three skill groups that are critical to success, in a business or as an entrepreneur. The ability to curate information, create new things, and communicate ideas. In each episode we explore a facet of one of these skills, alongside a guest.  My name is Tom Cheesewright, I’m an applied futurist advising organisations around the globe on how to see and prepare for the future. Alongside me is my co-host Katharine McNamara, communications expert extraordinaire.