S3E19: A digital life after death

Tom explores the ethics and etiquette of resurrecting our loved ones as chatbots, following a recent patent filing from Microsoft. Plus, a longer listen about two key technologies that will affect the future: 5G and mixed reality. Original posts:  - https://tomcheesewright.com/digital-life-after-death/  - https://tomcheesewright.com/long-read-5g-and-mixed-reality/

Om Podcasten

Welcome to Future-proof Your Career, your guide to the most important skills for a long, successful working life. This is a special season of the Talk About Tomorrow podcast, exploring in depth the idea of the Three Cs, three skill groups that are critical to success, in a business or as an entrepreneur. The ability to curate information, create new things, and communicate ideas. In each episode we explore a facet of one of these skills, alongside a guest.  My name is Tom Cheesewright, I’m an applied futurist advising organisations around the globe on how to see and prepare for the future. Alongside me is my co-host Katharine McNamara, communications expert extraordinaire.