279 - Inside Out 2

Inside Out 2 takes the foundation of the original film and pushes those ideas even further, especially with sound design. Coya Elliot and Ren Klyce join the show to discuss how the glass memory balls became a much more important sound in this sequel and how they recorded and designed sounds for all the hockey sequences. They also talk about the lessons they learned from the first film as their dialog treatments went from mix theatre to real world cinemas, and the adjustments to their approach in part two. This episode is brought to you by Sound Ideas, check out their latest sound effects library Robots & Servos. Show Notes: https://tonebenderspodcast.com/279-inside-out-2/ Podcast Homepage: tonebenderspodcast.com/ Tonebenders Host This Episode: Timothy Muirhead

Om Podcasten

Tonebenders is a Sound Design podcast dedicated to covering the worlds of sound editing, field recording and audio post production for film, television and gaming. Through interviews and experiments we delve into everything from foley to plugins. Check us out at www.tonebenderspodcast.com