Episode 138: Te Edwards and Top 5 Next Canadian UFC Champs

Finally, the UFC lull is over and we're breaking down all of the action from Moncton. In addition to our preview, we're talking with Te Edwards. He dishes on things we don't know about his legendary coach, John Crouch. Plus he let's us know why he loves to throw hands so much. Then, since we're heading to Canada for this card, we're looking at the Canadians who are most likely to get the UFC strap next. There's only been 2 ever; who will be the next? TIME STAMPS: 1:00 - Te Edwards Interview: A Wrestler with Hands 9:30 - UFC News: What's next for Conor 20:00 - Combat Countdown: Top 5 Next Canadian UFC Champions 30:00 - UFC Moncton Preview: 205ers on Display

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