The big talking point at The World Congress of Evidence Based Perioperative Medicine (EBPOM) 2023 was the results of the ‘OPtimisation of Peri-operaTive CardIovascular Management to Improve Surgical outcomE II (OPTIMISE II)’ trial. The OPTIMISE II trial is an international, multi-centre, pragmatic, randomised controlled trial with an open study group allocation, to determine whether cardiac output-guided fluid therapy, with a low dose inotrope infusion is clinically effective when compared to usual care in patients undergoing major gastrointestinal surgery. This podcast captures the moment the world has been waiting for as this global trial (with over 30 participating centres in Australia, Canada, Germany, Jordan, Poland, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, US and the UK) which launched in January 2017, reports its results. Presented by Desiree Chappell, Monty Mythen and Mark Edwards, Consultant in Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine, University Hospital Southampton, Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer, University of Southampton. We speak to Rupert Pearse here:https://topmedtalk.libsyn.com/topmedtalks-to-rupert-pearse-esaic-2023 This story is one of the first TopMedTalk ever covered! Our second podcast (back in 2017) covers it here: https://topmedtalk.libsyn.com/monty-boston-pod-two This podcast was recorded “as live” at EBPOM 2023 in London. Expect to find more excellent free content from that meeting soon on TopMedTalk. However, if you can’t wait, why not try going deeper by joining up or getting a ticket to one of our forthcoming conferences: www.ebpom.org The official website for the trial is here: https://optimiseii.org/

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