Perioperative Anaemia Part 3 - Roundtable | EBPOM London
Part three continues our investigation into perioperative anemia, following on from our exclusive reaction and analysis to the Centre For Perioperative Care (CPOC) publication “Guideline for the Management of Anaemia in the Perioperative Pathway” from Scarlett McNally, Deputy Director for CPOC and honoree, Clinical Professor at Brighton and Sussex medical school and consultant orthopedic surgeon in East Sussex this piece covers the first part of the panel discussion which followed. PART 1 PART 2 Taken from the EBPOM London session on the subject of perioperative anemia, chaired by Mike Grocott, Professor of Anaesthesia and critical care at the University of Southampton, and Rachel Barlow, National Lead, Enhanced Recovery, Prehabilitation and Optimisation, at Cardiff and Vale health board, Wales. The Center for Perioperative Care (CPOC) is ‘a cross-specialty collaboration dedicated to the promotion, advancement and development of perioperative care for the benefit of patients at all stages of their surgical journey’. The Prevent Study is here: At the time of this presentation the CPOC guidelines had just been published, now you can find them online here: CPOC_GuidelinefortheManagementofAnaemia_September2022.pdf This piece was made in collaboration with both Evidence Based Perioperative Medicine (EBPOM) and The Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Society (ERAS UK):