The Anesthesia Toolbox | #ANES24
The Anesthesia Toolbox supports learners and instructors with deep, peer-reviewed content in a variety of formats. Users can engage with the community to create and develop resources, prepare for staged exams and keep knowledge current with an extensive adaptive learning quizbank, assign and track learner progress through an intuitive dashboard, and leverage resources for medical students doing anesthesia rotations and fellows in anesthesia subspecialties. We examine these claims in this podcast. If you’d like to explore this topic further please start here: Presented by Desiree Chappell and Mike Grocott with their guests, Benjamin Houseman, MD, Program Director of the Anesthesiology Residency at Memorial Healthcare System in Hollywood, Florida, Envision Physician Services and Michael P. Hofkamp, MD is an associate Professor of Anesthesiology at Baylor College of Medicine and a staff physician at Baylor Scott & White Medical Center-Temple. He is the Director of Obstetric Anesthesia at the medical center.