TopMedTalks to... Ruthi Landau | SOAP 2024

Our coverage of the Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology (SOAP) continues. Developing clinical guidelines, fostering education, and conducting multi-center research to improve maternal health are all part of the SOAP mission. Also in this piece we discuss the General Anesthesia Registry, which collects data to improve anesthesia outcomes, and the Center of Excellence program. Presented by Desiree Chappell and Monty Mythen with their guest, Ruthi Landau, Virginia Apgar, Professor of Anesthesiology, Columbia University Medical Center and SOAP Past President. -- Check back through our TopMedTalk timeline for more: Trauma informed care in obstetrics | TMT at SOAP: TopMedTalks to... Mark Zakowski | TMT at SOAP: Maternal Fetal Anaesthesia | TMT at SOAP: Obstetric Anesthesia | TMT at SOAP: The Changing Landscape of Anesthesia and Healthcare | TMT at SOAP: TopMedTalks to... Pervez Sultan | TMT at SOAP: Perioperative care improves maternal outcomes | TMT at SOAP: Advancements in technology; monitoring and managing hemodynamic parameters during childbirth | TMT at SOAP: Obstetric anaesthesia | TMT at SOAP: Conversation with The President and Vice President | TMT at SOAP: TopMedTalks to... Barbara Orlando | TMT at SOAP:                

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