S8 - Episode 13 - Harder to Not Talk About It

Talking with professional writer Tara Lerman about a great many things, including the vitality we can find in highlighting Tourette stories and ongoing issues the community faces. Plus: a heap of answers to the question about good/constructive activities for a young person with Tourette.    https://www.taralerman.com/  Tara Lerman, 'Why We Need to Change the Conversation Around Tourette Syndrome' Tourette Association of America FY22 Annual Report

Om Podcasten

Authentic conversations about Tourette Syndrome, produced by an insider who isn't interested in the ol' one-dimensional take on what it's like to have TS. On each episode, host Ben Brown talks with a fellow Touretter about his or her history, tics, social interactions and daily management of Tourette's -- whether by masking it, owning it, medicating it, or something altogether different. It's engaging, funny, heavy, real. Get ready to meet people who blow away the standard portrayal.