Today on the podcast I have my dear old dad on, we discuss his love for Air Canada, his enjoyment of using Airbnb whenever he travels abroad, his love for Brooklyn and his dear old friend Saddam Hussein! Oh, how he hates it when I call him my dear old dad, but I like it! So, I’ll continue calling him my dear old dad for now! So, if you want to know a critics opinion on Air Canada and some other airlines, his opinion on Airbnb (capitalism gone mad! Greedy Airbnb), his opinion on Brooklyn, New York and a

Om Podcasten

Hi my name is Ben and I'm from Melbourne, Australia and I host the show Travelman Podcast. I'll have some very special guests from time to time, they'll share with me and you their travel experiences! I'll also be sharing funny and interesting facts for you to enjoy! Sit back and welcome to the Travelman Podcast!