THL Refresher: Getting to Yes with Bill Ury

Bill Ury is the co-founder of Harvard’s Program on Negotiation and is one of the world’s leading experts on negotiation and mediation. Trained as a social anthropologist, Bill has carried out his research on negotiation not only in the boardroom and at the bargaining table, but also among the Bushmen of the Kalahari and the clan warriors of New Guinea. On this podcast, Bill shares his unique perspective on how empathetic listening can make a difference. Not just across a negotiation table between world powers, but in our day to day interactions with people. He also has a conversation with Barry-Wehmiller CEO, Bob Chapman.

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One of the most fundamental of human needs is to know that who we are and what we do matter. As leaders in business, we have the unique opportunity to let our team members know that they do. And when they feel valued and cared for at work, they return home and enjoy better relationships with their loved ones, friends, neighbors and others. This world needs Truly Human Leadership. On this podcast, you’ll hear about what it means to be conscious leaders and have a conscious business. You'll hear from voices of inspirational leadership like Simon Sinek, Amy Cuddy, Raj Sisodia of Conscious Capitalism and many more. You'll also hear stories and insights learned through Barry-Wehmiller and it's CEO Bob Chapman’s transformation to traditional business management to Truly Human Leadership.