Dinosaur Poop Part 1: Who Dung It?
Call it fossil feces, dinosaur dung, or preserved poo. This is the first of a two part series on dinosaur poop! We kick it off with the modern-day science of coprolites. Paleontologist Karen Chin shares how she cracked the case of a mysterious coprolite, and discovered a different dinosaur diet. STAY TUNED for the next episode in the series, about a pioneering female paleontologist and a very unusual family of scientists, who discovered that funny looking rocks were actually ancient dung. The Tumble Teacher Store is now open! Find curriculum packages, activities, graphic organizers, transcripts, and even music. Go to sciencepodcastforkids.com/materials to check it out. Want to support Tumble? Pledge to our Patreon campaign! It’s a huge part of how we keep the show going. Plus, you get awesome monthly rewards, like free access to everything in the teacher store when you pledge $5 a month! Go to patreon.com/tumblepodcast to pledge today. Oh, and here’s a new place you can find Tumble and three brand new podcasts for kids: bestrobotever.com Check out quiz show Pants on Fire, and fiction podcasts Six Minutes and The Mayan Crystal, from our partners at Gen Z!