Moon Knight Episode 4 "The Tomb" Podcast from TV Podcast Industries

John and Derek are back to chat about the mind blowing Moon Knight Episode 4 The Tomb. We go into full spoiler filled detail on the episode so make sure you have watched this one before listening along. Moon Knight Episode 4 "The Tomb" Synopsis Moon Knight Character created by: Doug Moench Executive Producers - Kevin Feige, Louis D'Esposito, Victoria Alonso, Grant Curtis, Brad Winderbaum, Oscar Isaac, Mohamed Diab, Jeremy Slater Head Writer: Jeremy Slater Episode Written by: Alex Meenehan, Peter Cameron and Sabir Pirzada Episode Directed By: Mohamed Diab As Khonshu's ushabti is placed in a vault with several other imprisoned gods, Layla and Steven escape an attack by several of Arthur Harrow’s men to find Harrow's camp eerily deserted at the site of Ammit's tomb. On entering the tomb they begin to realise that it is a maze in the shape of the Eye of Horus. Navigating the maze, they discover an antechamber with plenty of fresh blood. As they explore the chamber, they must hide as one of Harrow's men is killed and his organs removed to canopic jars by an undead Egyptian priest. Steven and Layla are attacked by the priest, and are separated as they run to escape it. Layla encounters Harrow, who claims that Marc Spector was one of the mercenaries who murdered her archaeologist father. Meanwhile, Steven finds the tomb and discovers that Ammit's last avatar was Alexander the Great. Steven and Marc discover Ammit's ushabti inside Alexander's body, before Layla, finding the tomb, angrily confronts Marc about Harrow’s assertion and demands to know the truth. Marc reveals that his partner killed Layla's father and everyone else at the dig site, including himself, before Khonshu revived Marc as his avatar. But before they can resolve the situation Harrow and his men arrive. Marc holds them off to buy Layla time to escape with the ushabti, but Harrow shoots Marc twice in the chest. As Marc drifts off towards the light he suddenly finds himself in a psychiatric hospital,

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