The Twin Flame Story and 11:11
Episode 83 - On today's episode, Michele talks about the story and narrative we have around Twin Flames and how this story is often what creates our suffering. She also looks at the meaning behind 11:11. "I decided to release this episode early on 11.11.22. Enjoy! ~Michele" "So many of us find this concept of Twin Flames when we search for answers around a deep connection we have with someone we’ve fallen in love with. This connection is intense and other-worldly and there’s usually a sense of soul familiarity and deep knowing around this other person. Many of us also find ourselves seeing 11:11 everywhere. (And - side note — as I typed in episode 83 to record this podcast - I realized that 8 + 3 = 11. That was not at all planned.) Finding this Twin Flame concept—I know for me—gave me a sense of peace. A landing place where I could put all of what I was feeling and going through. But then as the human condition is conditioned to do—I wanted and needed to know the outcome and how the story ends. For many of us we were taught to believe that love = a marriage or being together in “happily ever after”. To sit and just be with love and not know what the outcome is can be the most challenging thing. So, we often grab on tightly to a story to give us a sense of safety on such an intense and vulnerable journey. First of all - what is this Twin Flame concept exactly? I’ll share how I see it. But I also want to add that this is just my understanding of it from where I am today. You may see it differently. The concept as I understand it today is that Twin Flames are one soul that has split in two and then those two souls came down in human bodies. I do believe we are all split from the same source - divine source consciousness. As Rumi says - “You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop.” Everyone on earth is a drop of the same ocean. Our Twin Flame and ourselves, I believe, are just a drop that has split into two drops. So we are more connected to that Twin Flame drop than any other drop in the ocean. Join me on this episode as I unpack the different stories around the meaning of Twin Flames and how this relates to what 11:11 stands for. Thanks for listening!" Listener Support: Website: Articles: Instagram: @puttingdreamsonyourfeet