Twin Flame Validation

Episode 59 - On this episode, Michele talks about needing validation on the Twin Flame journey and what this really means.  "First of all needing validation is part of our human experience. Although everyone needs it at different levels and the more you get to know yourself - the less you need it. It’s still a part of our existence. Now, when we meet our Twin Flame - we become challenged in ways we never have before - so it makes sense that we would want and need validation more than we ever. We have a greater chance for loss. We’ve experienced the greatest love with our Twin Flame. The stakes are higher than ever before. We want to make sure we protect ourselves and so we seek out validation. We may want the validation that this other person is indeed our Twin Flame. We may want validation that Twin Flames are even a real thing. We may want validation from them that they love us. I get it. I’ve experienced all of that. And getting that validation at different times on my path has been super helpful. However, what I’ve experienced and also what I see happening quite often on the Twin Flame journey is that the validation seems to have an expiration date. We end up needing the validation over and over. It never seems to be enough. So, when does the validation become enough? The opposite of validation is doubt. But like they say in show business. If you believe the good reviews you have to believe the bad reviews. Both have to be true. When both things are true then we are taken to the middle path. The middle road. Which is the path to our true selves. This is a mysterious universe. There’s so much we don’t know. We use 10% of our brains. Yet, we can have mind altering experiences and see other worlds. We can travel to other dimensions in our dreams. We can have past life experiences. None of these can be validated scientifically. But for anyone who has experienced any of these things — they’re as real as real can be. Meeting our Twin fFame falls under this mysterious universe category. Twin flames are part of the mystery of our beautiful world. Join me as I dive into the mystery surrounding Twin Flames and uncover the only validation we really need. Enjoy this episode!" Website: Articles: Instagram: @puttingdreamsonyourfeet Listener Support: Podcast: Michael Meade on Aubrey Marcus' Podcast Follow Rawb Love on TikTok Book Recommendation: Twin Flames and The Event - by Jen McCarty

Om Podcasten

Michele Lynch talks all things Twin Flames. She brings spiritual insights, grounded psychological information, Universal Laws, mind-body healing and tons of inspirational tips to help you navigate your own divine journey. She also shares her experiences as a Divine Feminine—the obstacles she has faced as well as the transformations she has gone through. Website: