Twin Flames and Expectations

Episode 84 - On this episode, Michele talks about expectations on the Twin Flame journey, how our expectations affect our experience and how we can use the expectations we have for our Twin Flame for our highest good. So—you meet your Twin Flame, you fall in love with your Twin Flame—and then you research what being a Twin Flame means and in that moment—when you make that discovery that you were once one soul and now have split in two—whether it was conscious or not—your mind started to formulate expectations of what this means in your life. That’s what our mind and brain does. It’s what our ego does. It makes a plan. It’s what consciousness does. It tries to understand and make sense of new information and integrate it into the now. We then form an expectation based on the information we are given. We can only form an expectation based on our current level of consciousness. We can also look at it energetically—expectations put an energetic hook to an ending that can only look a certain way—our path can only follow the ending we have hooked up to.  You can see how the expectations we set can limit us exponentially by hooking us into only one story and one outcome. It can limit not only our path forward but can also limit the Twin Flame possibilities and endings that may be better than we ever could imagine if we were able to look from a place of non-attachment—not hooking onto anything. Also—the important thing to remember is when we’re dealing with our Twin Flame—our soul to soul connection—we can’t fully align with each other energetically until we are in full alignment with ourselves energetically. Join me as I dive deeper into expectations and how best to work with them for our highest good.  Thanks for listening!" Listener Support: Website: Articles: Instagram: @puttingdreamsonyourfeet

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Michele Lynch talks all things Twin Flames. She brings spiritual insights, grounded psychological information, Universal Laws, mind-body healing and tons of inspirational tips to help you navigate your own divine journey. She also shares her experiences as a Divine Feminine—the obstacles she has faced as well as the transformations she has gone through. Website: