Twin Flames and Navigating Push Energy

Episode 55 - In this episode, Michele unpacks what "Push Energy" means on the Twin Flame Journey.  There’s nothing worse than realizing that we may have inadvertently pushed our twin flame away and not being able to figure out why or how this happened. If there’s such a strong pull to them - how is it that we can unknowingly push them away? If they are the same core vibration as we are - wouldn’t they want to be with us? Let's look at the Law of Polarity. The opposite of push is pull. When we feel our twin flame pulling away - we push. When we feel the pull to them - we push. Both of these enforce this polarity and the concept of separateness and separation. When what we really want to do on the Twin Flame journey is to find balance and unity. Neither push nor pull - but harmony and the middle ground in the center. Aristotle describes this as the Golden Mean - "The Golden Mean or the Golden middle way is the desirable middle between two extremes." Most relationships can handle push and pull energy and there's usually a little of both that keeps the relationship exciting. Twin Flame relationships are different. Twin flames can only exist in the Golden Mean. Twin flames are a soul connection that is based in unity. Not polarity. Twin Flames ideally want to balance the push and pull, the Yin and Yang, the feminine and masculine - and align with unconditional love. When we push towards our Twin Flame - we are unconsciously saying - I desire you and therefore I need you to come to me. I need you to validate my feelings. I need you to let me know I’m safe and that you love me back. This energy repels them and pushes them away. Any needs, desires and conditions - pushes them away. These needs, desires and conditions are based in fear. Divine Feminine energy - no matter the gender - is not needy. The Divine Masculine can no longer take Wounded Feminine energy on. That old template is no longer working. We have to heal it. We have to heal our Wounded Feminine energy. To our Twin Flame - we are their Divine Partner. The vibration they recognize is one of the Divine Feminine - which is confident, flowing, creative, secure, and unconditional. When we push - we are carrying fear energy/Wounded Feminine energy - and they don’t recognize us.  They are giving us a gift by not buying into this energy. It’s not real and it’s based in fear. Thanks for listening! Website: Articles: Instagram: @puttingdreamsonyourfeet

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Michele Lynch talks all things Twin Flames. She brings spiritual insights, grounded psychological information, Universal Laws, mind-body healing and tons of inspirational tips to help you navigate your own divine journey. She also shares her experiences as a Divine Feminine—the obstacles she has faced as well as the transformations she has gone through. Website: