Twin Flames and Sacred Relationships
Season 2 - Episode 4 - On this episode, Michele talks about sacred relationships and how it relates to Twin Flames. Also stay to the end so you can hear another Twin Flame’s experience of their journey and learn how you can send in your own story. "What is a sacred relationship? I’m guessing by just hearing the title - you’ve got an idea about what that means to you. The Definition of sacred in the Merriam Webster dictionary is 'dedicated or set apart for the service or worship of a deity Devoted to service' Other synonyms: divine, holy, reverent, respectful, profane and spiritual I can feel the sacred vibration even as I read those words. I also feel we can’t bring in the word sacred without bringing in the word love. To me, love is sacred. They’re one and the same. However as you know - love has taken on different meanings and behaviors here on our earth plane and the word love is often associated with behaviors that aren’t sacred. So let’s look at love. What is love? Well, we first learn what love is through our parent or parents or our caretakers. Whoever raised us. Most of us either heard them say - I love you. Or this love was implied. And yet most of us also experienced non-loving behaviors. Most of our own parents or caretakers didn’t get their needs met and so these unhealthy patterns were handed down to us and - our needs around love weren’t fully met. Most of us grew up with a deficit of unconditional love and safety. I’m not placing any blame - but I do want to point out how this is handed down generation after generation until someone breaks the pattern. Although our minds may rationalize and analyze these unhealthy behaviors and experiences and say - oh no - I’m fine. My parents were just doing the best they could. I get it. And of course that’s true. They were. But there’s something else that is true and that also needs to be acknowledged. And that is our cells knew what wholeness should feel like and they knew on some level that there was some love missing. Something wasn’t sacred. So what most people do - when they grow up is find a partner that will give them the love they need and didn’t get growing up. Whether it’s conscious or not. Because your cells are always looking to find wholeness — they will guide you to recreate a pattern with the hopes that it will be resolved and healed- and wholeness will be restored. Join me as I dive deeper into this topic and learn how what we are ultimately searching for in a sacred relationship. Thanks for listening." Website: Transformational Dreamwork - Articles: Instagram: @puttingdreamsonyourfeet Email your recorded Twin Flame story to Please try to keep the recordings at 5-10 minutes long. Listener Support: