Twin Flames—3 Tips to Find Relief

Episode 52 - In this episode, Michele talks about the Twin Flame Journey and the pain that this journey can so often cause us. She shares 3 tips that will help you work through the pain. She not only dives in deeply into these three tips—but she also asks thought provoking questions around each one. You are invited to write them down and think of this podcast as more of an experiential experience. 1. Focus on yourself—not your Twin Flame + thought provoking questions. 2. Really get clear on what unconditional love means + thought provoking questions. 3. Let go of any outcomes, expectations and unhealthy attachments on this journey + thought provoking questions. Michele shares:  "I’m no stranger to this pain—I’ve been on this twin flame journey for about 5 years now and I know how intense it can be. I also know without a shadow of a doubt that on the other side of this pain there is immense joy, and love and gratitude and a life beyond anything I could’ve ever imagined. Had I not been brought to that pain—I never would’ve healed these deep wounds. I would’ve kept them hidden in the shadows. But our twin flames have a remarkable way of highlighting exactly the deep wounds we need to heal and ascend on our journey. Join me in this podcast as we pave a new way through our pain." Thank you! Website: Articles: Instagram: @puttingdreamsonyourfeet Listener Support: Don't forget to check the Q&A on Spotify!

Om Podcasten

Michele Lynch talks all things Twin Flames. She brings spiritual insights, grounded psychological information, Universal Laws, mind-body healing and tons of inspirational tips to help you navigate your own divine journey. She also shares her experiences as a Divine Feminine—the obstacles she has faced as well as the transformations she has gone through. Website: