Twin Flames—The Vibration of Receiving

Episode 53—On this episode, Michele talk about the vibration of receiving and why it's important on the Twin Flame Journey and beneficial in life.  We live in a universe of polarities and so it’s two opposites that make a whole and create harmony and balance. The Law of Polarity is so important on the Twin Flame journey.  The twin flames - as two souls who have split in two - need the balance of the masculine and feminine energies in each twin In order to come back together into harmony, wholeness and union. What this energy and vibration of receiving looks and feels like - is being in the flow state. Listening to your intuition. Creating. In a creative state you are doing all of that - listening and creating from source. The vibration of receiving also feels like trusting. Trusting that you are taken care of. That all your needs and desires are met before you even ask. It’s a state of being. Not doing. It also looks like having an open heart. Receiving love. And living from your heart. The vibration of receiving is listening to your intuition around your twin flame. Not your ego, your thoughts or your mind - those are loud voices. But the quiet whispers. Remember, your intuition doesn’t carry heightened emotions. It’s emotionless. It’s a knowing. A stillness. A confidence. It’s your ego and mind and thoughts that have the emotions. It will become increasingly important to listen to your intuition when you hear all the different Twin Flame concepts. When people who don’t understand this journey chime in with their opinions. It’s important to listen and know what is true for you. Making sure you’re receiving the information that is coming from source energy. . What the vibration of receiving also looks like on the twin flame journey is being. Being present. Being here and now. Not thinking or obsessing about the past or worried or projecting the future - but being here and now.  What the vibration of receiving also looks like is trusting. Trusting that you will be guided on your twin flame journey. That you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be. That the outcome will be for the highest good of all. And that highest good includes you first and foremost. That source energy and your soul won’t lead you astray. You’re here for a reason. And to trust you’re on the right path. The more you fight what is - the more resistance is created and the more resistance there is - the further you’re away from the vibration of receiving. Go slowly. Start by trusting yourself first. And last but not least - what this calls vibration and journey calls for is patience.  Thanks for listening! Website: Articles: Instagram: @puttingdreamsonyourfeet Listener Support:

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Michele Lynch talks all things Twin Flames. She brings spiritual insights, grounded psychological information, Universal Laws, mind-body healing and tons of inspirational tips to help you navigate your own divine journey. She also shares her experiences as a Divine Feminine—the obstacles she has faced as well as the transformations she has gone through. Website: