What is going on with the Divine Masculine?
S2 - Episode 28 - On this podcast, Michele addresses the question many listeners want to know - which is - What is going on with the Divine Masculine? Also don't forget to stay to the end to hear another Twin Flame song submission. "I have found that many DF's want to know what’s going on with their DM. What are they doing? What’s their process like? Why aren’t they changing? Why aren’t they healing? Why aren’t they calling? etc. When I refer to Feminine and Masculine - these are energies and not gender specific. They are represent the primary essence of the Twin Flame template that you carry. I’ll try not to use her and his - although this may slip in occasionally. And instead I will use DF and DM to represent the two polar energies of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine. I'm going to start with a question I invite you to think about. Why do you want to know what’s going on with either your DM or the DM collective? Here’s what I know. The DMs focus goes where the DF's focus is. For instance - If the DF focuses on themself—the DM is pulled in that direction. If the DF focuses on the DM - The DM focuses on themself. And I want to be clear. I’m not talking about love here. I’m referring to the energetics of the feminine energy and the masculine energy and how they differ and the natural and inherent direction they flow. The love between you and Twin Flame is already there. That’s a given. However, if you do question it - I invite you to see where the belief around that is coming from. Join me as I share a myth and describe two other ways this flow of energy works. Thanks for listening!! YouTube video with Richard Grannon YouTube song Imprint by Danielle Daniel Music Imprint on Spotify Website: MicheleLynchHealing.com Transformational Dreamwork - https://michelelynch.mastermind.com/masterminds/38432 Articles: mlynchnyny.medium.com Instagram: @puttingdreamsonyourfeet Email your recorded Twin Flame story to TwinFlameTransformation11@gmail.com