Episode 32: LO - To be successful in the classroom, you've either got it or you haven't!

Episode 32 is here! Featuring a few of your favourite features: Nana's Opinion, FlashbackThrowback, Strange Things, I want to Rant and O of the week. In the episode, the Two Mr Ps share stories from school, more frustrations about life as a teacher and their recent Live show in Newport. Don't miss out on tickets for the upcoming LIVE shows in Newcastle and London, tickets here -http://www.2mrpspodcast.com/live-show.html. Join the Facebook group -https://www.facebook.com/groups/2mrpspodcast/ This week's sponsor was Interm IT, check out IntermIT.co.uk for all your technology support in school.

Om Podcasten

Two teachers sharing funny stories from the classroom.Welcome to the Two Mr Ps in a Pod(Cast) website! A podcast which shares all the funny and hilarious stories from the classroom. Mr P (ICT_MrP) and his younger brother Mr P, both working in the classroom, share your funny stories about life in school.We want to hear your confessions, stories and experiences whether you are a teacher, teaching assistant, student or caretaker.​Everyone has been to school so everyone has a special memory or story about their experience and we want to hear it!