ParaPod Festival 2023 (Acceptance speech)

ParaPod Festival 2023 Acceptance speechWell we won 'The Best UFO Podcast' at the Parapod Festival 2023We were selected to be one of three finalists by the judges out of a few hundred, then the voting started and thanks to everyone we won an award.But the mystery remains as I'm still not sure who nominated the Podcast in the first place, so if you're out there and reading this.......Thank You!This award is for the Listeners and guests, you are what makes the show possible.Much LoveNikBecome a supporter of this podcast:

Om Podcasten

First-hand witness encounters of the Strange and unexplained.The host Nik will take you head first down the rabbit hole in a refreshing and different podcast format. Witness accounts from everyday people from all over the world with uninterrupted monologues of their encounters. The phenomena that people experience shared here range from sightings of UFOs to traumatic alien abductions, scary heart stopping stories of ghosts, demons and the Occult. Accounts of crossing paths with Bigfoot, Sasquatches and all manner of dark entities that lurk and dwell in the dark woods and remote areas. Psychic abilities of precognition, premonitions, and the people who have journeyed to the other side with their near-death experiences.The encounters in this podcast will stay with you long after you have finished listening.Want to share your encounter on the show?Email: UFOChronicles@gmail.comOr Fill out Guest Form: Website: https://ufochroniclespodcast.comBecome a supporter of this podcast: