Getting The Court To See The Narcissist For Who They Are

Can we get the court to see the Narcissistic coparent for who they truly are? Most likely not, especially since the Family Court System is 1) not equipped to handle mental health matters 2) is predominantly trauma-uninformed and 3) financially incentivized to not see such things clearly.That said, there are still powerful strategies for protecting yourself if you end up back in the court system.

Om Podcasten

Carl Knickerbocker, JD is an Award-Winning divorced lawyer with 3 children in a thriving blended family. He's an emotional abuse survivor, parallel parenting advocate, and all-around sceptic of everything dealing with trendy-trendy coparenting and the family court system. He is the founder of Unapologetic Parenting, IG influencer, multiple year SuperLawyer, and passionate speaker on all topics dealing with divorce and parenting after divorce. Getting divorced does not mean you failed your kids. Coparenting should never be done at the expense of your sanity. Episodes cover strategy, boundaries, recovery, healing, and effective kid-raising tips. Join us for healing and learning!