Classic Replay: Is the Bible primitive and immoral, or can we trust what it says? with Leslie Scrace and Chris Sinkinson
From the Archives: Leslie Scrace, a former Methodist minister who transitioned to atheism, turned away from the Bible when he lost his faith. Two decades later, he penned a comprehensive account of his atheist perspective in a book titled "An Unbelievers Guide to the Bible" in which Scrace critically examines sections of the Old Testament, deeming some as primitive and immoral, while applauding others that align with humanist values. In response, Chris Sinkinson, a church pastor and an instructor in Old Testament and Apologetics at Moorlands Bible College, challenges Scrace's approach, asserting that the Bible should not be dissected in this way and argues that removing God from the moral framework of the Bible diminishes its inherent meaning. Their dialogue delves into specific books like Job, Joshua, Song of Solomon, and the Gospels. Additionally, Chris questions Leslie on the objective foundation of his humanist morality, sparking a thoughtful exchange between the two perspectives. We hope you enjoy this fascinating dive into one of the greatest objection to Christianity, can we truly trust the Bible? First aired: May 2011 • Subscribe to the Unbelievable? podcast: • More shows, free eBook & newsletter: • For live events: • For online learning: • Support us in the USA: • Support us in the rest of the world: