Tim Stratton vs James White: Is Molinism Biblical?

On Feb 11th 2022, Dr James White and Dr Tim Stratton debated the question "Is Molinism Biblical?", at the First Lutheran Church in Houston. Molinism is the view that humans have genuine libertarian free will, while God has a special kind of knowledge called "Middle Knowledge" which allows him to factor human choices into how he arranges predestination. Dr James White maintains that such a view is unbiblical, while Dr Stratton sees it not only as biblical, but as crucially superior to the alternative: "Exhaustive Divine Determinism"! We've covered the subject of Molinism on Unbelievable? before, so if you want to learn more about this theological hot potato, check out these shows:• William Lane Craig vs Paul Helm: Calvinism vs Molinism - 2014: https://bit.ly/3o550G0 • William Lane Craig vs James White: Calvinism vs Molinism on the Problem of Evil - 2021: https://bit.ly/3C7BrZy  For Dr Tim Stratton: https://t.co/pbqi0cqnC4 For Dr James White: https://www.aomin.org/  • For exclusive resources and to support us: USA: http://www.premierinsight.org/unbelievableshow Rest of the World: https://my.premier.org.uk/donate/donate-unbelievable-2021  • For Premier Unbelievable? events and conference: https://www.unbelievable.live   • For our regular Newsletter: https://www.premier.org.uk/Unbelievablenewsletter  • For more faith debates: http://www.premierchristianradio.com/Shows/Saturday/Unbelievable 

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