EP65: "Work to Live" or "Live to Work"?

When it comes to adulting, one thing is inevitable - we have to work. Whether you have a 9-5, do shiftwork, or are self-employed, we all have our own ways of financing our lives. While it is something so fundamental to modern society, there are many differences between how work is seen in the U.S. and Germany. A common saying is “In Germany, one works to live while in the U.S. one lives to work” - but is that true? In this week’s episode, we talk about our work experiences in both countries, what stereotypes exist in the work world, and even the physical environments we work in. Whether you’re currently in a “Großraumbüro”, in a cubicle, or just enjoying the podcast in your free time we hope you enjoy this week's episode and make sure to let us know your thoughts on this topic too! Related Links: EP4: Work-Life & Office Culture feat. Niklas (and life update from Josh!) ▸https://youtu.be/ireY7viwbBk EP64: From U.S. Farm Country to the German Bicycle Mecca feat. TheBlackForestFamily ▸https://youtu.be/ktMfL-tuPiI TikTok about unlimited vacation time by @americanbaron  ▸https://in.tiktok.com/@americanbaron/video/7142555024072215854 You can also watch this podcast on YouTube or listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Podbean, Amazon Music, and iHeart Radio! Buy our merch ▸https://felifromgermany.com/collections/understanding-train-station • Follow us on Instagram▸instagram.com/understandingtrainstation • Support us on Patreon▸patreon.com/understandingtrainstation • Buy us a coffee▸buymeacoffee.com/utspodcast • Email us▸understandingtrainstation@gmail.com Check out all the videos with Josh and Feli on the "Feli from Germany" YouTube channel▸https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvcmNAGhcEEMm1zpbbFcz41YALTd2eAed

Om Podcasten

In our podcast “Understanding Train Station”, we (Josh and Feli) explore the intricacies and pitfalls of living between cultures. The title is derived from the German idiom “Ich verstehe nur Bahnhof” which literally translates to “I only understand train station”. Similar to the English saying “It’s Greek to me”, it is used to express a lack of understanding which is an all too common feeling when dealing with another culture and living abroad. Feli (aka “Feli from Germany” on YouTube) is a German living in the U.S. and Josh is probably the most “Germanized” American you’ll ever meet.