S05 Episode 03: Endgame (Pt.3 of 3)

In June 1989, the body of forty-four-year-old Cindy James, who had been missing for two weeks, was found lying in the tall grass behind a derelict property in the suburbs of Richmond, Vancouver. Cindy's hands and feet had been tied behind her back and she appeared to have been drugged. A coroner confirmed that Cindy died shortly after she went missing. That her body had been found only a short walk from a major road suggested however that it had been placed there quite recently, meaning this was almost certainly a murder. But then again, nothing about Cindy’s bizarre and tragic story had ever been certain... Go to twitter @unexplainedpod, facebook.com/unexplainedpodcast or unexplainedpodcast.com for more info. Thank you for listening.

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SEASON 07 WILL BEGIN FRIDAY JULY 28TH Unexplained is a haunting and unsettling bi-weekly podcast about strange and mysterious real life events that continue to evade explanation. A story-based show mixing spoken-word narrative, history and ideas - often to terrifying effect - that explores the space between what we think of as real and what is not; where sometimes belief can be as concrete as ‘reality,’ whatever that is… More info at www.unexplainedpodcast.com and on twitter @unexplainedpod and facebook.com/unexplainedpodcast