Maybe you’re an emerging speaker, and you don’t think you have enough content. Perhaps you’re experienced and have been delivering the same material for a long time. Where do you find more content? Darren and Mark provide strategies for finding new content, ‘upping’ your game, and being unforgettable.   SNIPPETS: • Ask: Is there better content available   • Perform deeper research on your subject   • Dive deeply into client concerns   • Interview clients for content and connection   • Tap into your expertise network   • Understand that you don’t know everything about your topic   • Be willing to upgrade your existing material   • Find out what and who are trending in your area of expertise   • Verify all new content using multiple sources                                             • Revisit the ‘basement’ and ‘archives’ of your life   • Test new material and listen to your audience to find out what resonates   • Challenge yourself to provide something new every year

Om Podcasten

Attention experienced corporate presenters, public speakers, professional speakers and pastors. Do you want to deliver a good, a great or an unforgettable presentation? Get insights from behind the scenes on some of the most unforgettable presentations ever delivered. √ What's the story behind the presentation? √ Where did the idea come from? √ How did they prepare it? √ How did they execute it? Join World Champions of Public Speaking, Mark Brown & Darren LaCroix. They have been world-class speaking coaches for over a decade and have trained presenters in over 14 countries. You'll love their chemistry and wisdom. What will you hear? Some episodes will be rock-solid content, some episodes will be interviews with presenters who delivered an unforgettable presentation.