Rigour & Vigour: Strengthening evidence on violence against children

In this podcast we're talking about UNICEF Innocenti’s new evidence (and) gap map, which visualizes what evidence exists – and where there are gaps - on interventions to reduce violence against children in low and middle income countries, with Kerry Albright, Chief of Research Facilitation and Knowledge Management, and Ramya Subrahmanian, Chief of Child Rights and Protection at UNICEF Innocenti. The new gap map, completed in partnership with the Campbell Collaboration, arranges around 150 carefully screened impact evaluations and systematic reviews onto a framework of interventions – based on the INSPIRE framework strategies, and outcomes – such as direct impacts on violence, social norms, health, and education – into a searchable, browsable database that visualizes where the evidence exists and where there are gaps in knowledge. • Why are we mapping evidence and gaps in evidence on violence against children? • What does this gap map reveal about violence against children that we did not know before? • Where are the largest gaps in our evidence and what do we already know a lot about? These are just a few questions we discuss with Ramya and Kerry, who worked together to spearhead this research project jointly with our partners at Campbell Collaboration. - Explore the evidence gap map (EGM): https://www.unicef-irc.org/evidence-gap-map-violence-against-children - READ the full report: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cl2.1120 - READ the research brief: www.unicef-irc.org/publications/1147-evidence-and-gap-map-research-brief-1-overview-findings-interventions-to-reduce-violence-against-children.html

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