(ENG) Ep: 13 "You find yourself, when you find your laugh" with Dave Berman

I had the great honor of being visited on my Podcast Unik by Dave Berman, who has grown up with a negative paradigm around mental health since childhood. Several in his family and circle of friends had various mental illnesses. And later he was also diagnosed with bipolar. But is was not a surprise for Dave since almost everyone had something to fight with.But then Dave discovered a book that opened his mind. The book is called: Pronoia is the antidote to paranoia - How the whole world is conspiring to shower you with blessings.After he read this book, it was as if a new world had opened up for Dave. And through his own experiences, he has found peace within himself, and he no longer has any mental illness and the allergies have also subsided.We talked quite a bit about laughing, which is Dave's expertise, he says, among other things. that we have an unlimited supply of laughter if we let the universe laugh through us. So instead of finding something to laugh at, it's basically about letting yourself be laughed by the universe.I had a great time in Dave's presence, and it's really wonderful and also a little scary to throw away your own inhibitions.So thanks again for being with me, Dave.If you want to learn more about Dave or join his "laughter gym", you can find more information right hereWebsite - https://DaveBermanCoaching.comLaughter Gym/Principles of Laughter Library - https://DaveBermanCoaching.com/joinConspiracy of Blessings - https://facebook.com/groups/conspiracyofblessingsIf you want to work with me, you can see what I have to offer at the link herehttps://linktr.ee/Germansenlifestyle

Om Podcasten

Hver uge har jeg besøg af en spændende gæst, som har fundet en vej der virker for dem selv - så de kan opleve mere frihed i krop, sind og sjæl, i deres eget liv. De vil tage mig med på deres rejse frem til den måde de ser verden på nu. Jeg mener alle mennesker er unikke og har en speciel mission på jorden - nogen gange har vi bare brug for at der er en der hjælper os i retningen af vores mission. Jeg håber at du også lærer en masse gennem de samtaler som jeg har, og at du muligvis hører noget i en eller flere af de samtaler jeg har, som du kan tage og bruge i dit eget liv. Husk at lytte med hjertet og ikke med ørerne. Tak fordi du lytter med. Nicklas Germansen - Podcasten Unik