A Conversation with Elizabeth Bonker, a University Valedictorian and a Dedicated Advocate for Non-speakers
An understanding of the experiences of non-speakers, or those with minimal speech, is an essential part of the neurodiversity movement. With the appropriate supports, including AAC technology, non-speakers who were silent for years, are now capable of sharing their experiences and their feelings about being misunderstood and too often mistreated. Elizabeth Bonker, a non-speaking autistic woman, discusses her journey and her commitment to educating society and supporting the millions of neurodivergent non-speaking individuals, so many of whom have so much potential to contribute to an inclusive, humane society when provided with effective means to communicate. Note from the hosts: Questions were submitted to Elizabeth ahead of time due to the length of time it takes to formulate and type responses. This is a common procedure when non-speakers are asked to respond to interview questions or are on panels and giving presentations at conferences. Learn more about this powerful episode and find out great resources here