[Interview] Event Horizon Telescope. But 10 Times Better

We got two images of supermassive black hole with the Event Horizon Telescope. But can we make it better? How can we take the telescope to the next level and resolve a photon ring of a black hole? Finding out with Ben Hudson, System Engineer from KISPE Space. 🦄 Support us on Patreon: https://patreon.com/universetoday 📚 Suggest books in the book club: https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/1198440-universe-today-book-club 00:00 Intro 01:50 What is a photon ring 04:56 Structure around black holes 08:36 How can we resolve the photon ring 12:51 Making the Event Horizon Telescope bigger 44:28 What can we learn from the photon ring 53:10 Final thoughts and more interviews More interviews: 👉 Far infrared interferometer: https://youtu.be/3N03G9WbYqo 👉 Giant space interferometers https://www.youtube.com/live/RSPpakbgUS0?si=zi9XTHXS-7ur0q9v 📺 VIDEO VERSION https://youtu.be/O6hX70YvPms 📰 EMAIL NEWSLETTER Read by 60,000 people every Friday. Written by Fraser. No ads. Subscribe. It's FREE: https://universetoday.com/newsletter 🎧 PODCASTS Universe Today: https://universetoday.fireside.fm/ Astronomy Cast: http://www.astronomycast.com/ 🤳 OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA Twitter: https://twitter.com/fcain Twitter: https://twitter.com/universetoday Facebook: https://facebook.com/universetoday Instagram: https://instagram.com/universetoday 📩 CONTACT FRASER frasercain@gmail.com ⚖️ LICENSE Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)Support Universe Today Podcast

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Space news, interviews, Q&As, and exclusive content from Universe Today. Audio versions of Fraser Cain YouTube channel.