[Interview] How Did JWST Discover Methane On An Exoplanet WASP-80b
One of the discoveries done by James Webb was the presence of methane in the atmosphere of an exoplanet WASP-80b. How exactly did they do it and what will JWST be able to do with similar cases in the future? Looking for answers with Dr Taylor J. Bell from NASA Ames Research Center. 🎙️ More interviews: The Mysterious Gap In Exoplanet Population https://youtu.be/MuH2BlHdAyw The Future of Exoplanet Research https://youtu.be/6b377MO20uE 📜 Methane throughout the atmosphere of the warm exoplanet WASP-80b https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06687-0 🦄 Support us on Patreon: https://patreon.com/universetoday 📚 Suggest books in the book club: https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/1198440-universe-today-book-club 00:00 Intro 01:05 What is WASP-80 b 04:32 How to find methane 12:23 Where does the methane come from 15:19 Was it a fluke 22:35 Diversity of exoatmospheres 28:30 TRAPPIST-1 system 39:29 Biosignatures 50:38 Current obsessions 57:26 Final thoughts and more interviews 📺 VIDEO VERSION https://youtu.be/cyKDqNCUm68 📰 EMAIL NEWSLETTER Read by 60,000 people every Friday. Written by Fraser. No ads. Subscribe. It's FREE: https://universetoday.com/newsletter 🎧 PODCASTS Universe Today: https://universetoday.fireside.fm/ Astronomy Cast: http://www.astronomycast.com/ 🤳 OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA Twitter: https://twitter.com/fcain Twitter: https://twitter.com/universetoday Facebook: https://facebook.com/universetoday Instagram: https://instagram.com/universetoday 📩 CONTACT FRASER frasercain@gmail.com ⚖️ LICENSE Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)Support Universe Today Podcast