[NIAC 2023] Observe the Universe from Deep Space
This is the first part of my interview with Dr Cristopher Morrison. In this one, we're discussing the concept of a propulsion system that should allow things like catching up with an interstellar visitor or delivering a telescope to the outer part of the Solar System. 🦄 Support us on Patreon: https://patreon.com/universetoday Previous Interview with Dr Chris Morrison: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsON8yF5Rjo 👉 More about the NIAC grant: https://www.nasa.gov/directorates/spacetech/niac/2023/RadioisotopeElectric_Propulsion_System/ 00:00 Intro 01:16 Intersecting interstellar objects 09:39 Which technical challenges are solved 17:20 Spacecraft design 20:05 Finding captured interstellar objects 28:05 One more thing 35:00 What's next 📺 VIDEO VERSION https://youtu.be/FIZHGDyN-7E 📰 EMAIL NEWSLETTER Read by 60,000 people every Friday. Written by Fraser. No ads. Subscribe. It's FREE: https://universetoday.com/newsletter 🎧 PODCASTS Universe Today: https://universetoday.fireside.fm/ Astronomy Cast: http://www.astronomycast.com/ 🤳 OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA Twitter: https://twitter.com/fcain Twitter: https://twitter.com/universetoday Facebook: https://facebook.com/universetoday Instagram: https://instagram.com/universetoday 📩 CONTACT FRASER frasercain@gmail.com ⚖️ LICENSE Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)Support Universe Today Podcast