The lads sat down and had an open discussion on a simple yet intriguing question. Can a Muslim attain true happiness in this life? Curious, have listen. SUBSCRIBE to get more beneficial content herehttps://www.youtube.com/unleashedpotential ********************************** QUESTION – have a question about any of the topics, content or speakers? Post in the comments section of this video! Alternatively get in touch with us on the links below! ********************************** If you want to listen on the go, hit the link to your favorite platform below! SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/6XFHbkgGJDrfAEseNDxMaT ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/unleashed-potential-podcast/id1439856854 ALTERNATIVE: https://player.whooshkaa.com/shows/unleashed-potential *********************************** Follow us on the below social media links and tag your friends so they benefit too! INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/_unleashedpotential_ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/unleashedpotentialpodcast/ EMAIL: unleashedpotentialpodcast1@gmail.com *********************************** SPEAKERS: Abdullahi HajiAbduljabar JamaOmer Elmi

Om Podcasten

Unleashed Potential Podcast is hosted by a group of young, Muslim, Somali and Ethiopian individuals based out of Australia discussing everything from business, relationships, to lifestyle. We believe that everyone has the potential within them to be better than who they are now in every area of their life so we made it our mission to help realize this. The content we share is a conversation between a group of friends exchanging experiences so that our viewers not only get the benefit of halal entertainment but also extract helpful lessons, ideas and motivation that unleashes their own potential to be great. Search us on Spotify or the ITunes podcast app and subscribe!!