Episode 22: Call of Cthulhu (2005)

Ever wonder what is hiding in ocean? Well thanks to the 2005 movie The Call of Cthulhu (based on the H.P. Lovecraft story of the same name) we may have our answer. Christy and Kelly do a deep dive into the movie, book, and insane lore of the great elder thing. Anchor Link: https://anchor.fm Follow us on Twitter @AUnnerved Find our Facebook group Unnerved: A Horror Movie Podcast (https://www.facebook.com/groups/323866888981281) Check out Danielle @danidrawsdragons on Instagram for more amazing art pieces.

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A horror expert and a horror newbie watch a scary movie every other week. Join them as they give their thoughts, share their research and discuss the behind the scenes/ special effects that made it all possible. Because sometimes the scariest parts don't make the final cut.