Episode 25: Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988) and Evil Dead II (1987) - Sequel Double Feature

To celebrate a milestone 25th episode, Christy and Kelly watch two movies and have twice the commentary! Both '80s slashers, Hellraiser II and Evil Dead II could not be further polarizing in popularity for the hosts. Hellraiser II raised some eyebrows and was subsequently blasted for being, factually, just a movie (but definitely not a good one), and Evil Dead II gave us even studlier Ash who took the series to a whole other ~ groovy ~ level. References: Swallowed Souls: The Making of Evil Dead II Anchor Link: https://anchor.fm Follow us on Twitter @AUnnerved Find our Facebook group Unnerved: A Horror Movie Podcast (https://www.facebook.com/groups/323866888981281) Check out Danielle @danidrawsdragons on Instagram for more amazing art pieces.

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A horror expert and a horror newbie watch a scary movie every other week. Join them as they give their thoughts, share their research and discuss the behind the scenes/ special effects that made it all possible. Because sometimes the scariest parts don't make the final cut.