Avatar: The Last Airbender

We’re jumping on the bandwagon! This week we’re talking about Avatar: The Last Airbender. And it is actually a lighter episode this time, finally… We talk about the show’s messages around the value of diverse perspectives, the cost of divorcing yourself from the world, and Fire Nation exceptionalism. And of course, it wouldn’t be an episode of Unramblings without conversations about sexism and intergenerational dysfunction!     Find us on Facebook and Instagram at Unramblings, on Twitter at @UnramblingsPod, and on our website at MarkCollington.com/Unramblings. Email us with feedback, questions, and suggestions at unramblingspodcast@gmail.com. Continue the conversation on social media with #Unramblings!      Please rate and review wherever you listen, as it helps more people to find the show. Recommendations and shares are good, too.       Show Notes:    Soka Gakkai International (SGI) - Bodhisattva  Fire nation/USA meme  Wikipedia - White Lotus – Apparently, the White Lotus Society was an actual secret society that inspired multiple rebellions in imperial China  Behavioral Scientist - How Couples Share Cognitive Load and Why It Matters  Harper's Bazaar - Women Aren't Nags, We're Just Fed Up – Emotional labor is the unpaid job men still don’t understand 

Om Podcasten

Charlyn Green and Faefyx Collington breakdown what stories we tell, how we tell them, and how that interacts with our culture.