Knives Out

Charlyn and Fyx are back after a spring/early summer of gardening, isolation, and depression! We apologize for having such a long gap since our last podcast, and we hope you can bear with us as we try to get back on track. In this episode, we discuss the fun and cheeky Knives Out, its relationship to the mystery stories that have gone before, and the pointed conversations about class and racism the film definitely throws right at those tense, family-filled holiday dinner tables. Can you guess which Thrombey we think is the worst of the rotten bunch? You probably can!    Music is by Mike Bassington. You can find more of his work here: and on SoundCloud, here:    Find us on Facebook and Instagram at Unramblings, on Twitter at @UnramblingsPod, on our website, and on YouTube by searching for “Unramblings.” Email us with feedback, questions, and suggestions at Continue the conversation on social media with #Unramblings!     Please rate and review wherever you listen, as it helps more people to find the show. Recommendations and shares are good, too.       Show Notes:    Paolo Freire - Pedagogy of the Oppressed  Fast Company - We asked an expert if that stomach-turning condition in Knives Out actually exists  TV Tropes - Madonna-Whore Complex 

Om Podcasten

Charlyn Green and Faefyx Collington breakdown what stories we tell, how we tell them, and how that interacts with our culture.