No Strings Attached

Happy New year from UNTCHED! Riv and Elle kick off the first episode of the new year, chatting about their new year resolutions. Sometimes minor changes make the most significant impact. Moving into this week's topic, the girls talk about casual dating. Can it be done without hurting feelings? Riv and Elle think there is nothing wrong with casual relationships as long as you're not wasting anyone's time and motives are clear. Finally, the girls share some of their favorite no strings attached stories. The girls are so excited to spend this new year with all of you. UNTCHED website: SOCIALS: @untchedpodcast @rivers.smyth @elleggraves

Om Podcasten

From lust to love, big time fuck-ups, late nights, and everything untched, this is the long awaited tell-all podcast from Riv and Elle. A unique perspective from two small-town girls taking it day by day in the Windy City, Chicago, Illinois. Join us as we overshare every juicy detail of the good and the bad, the lessons and the laughs, and our favorite part; the untched stories we get to share with you. Jump in and buckle up. Welcome to Untched Podcast.