Slingshot: Scott Monty, Oxymoron [Creativity Series #13]

SUBSCRIBE: to get a quick note every Monday morning containing new episodes, exclusive bonus content, and new experiments to join.   TODAY: Scott Monty is one of the world's most forward-thinking marketing minds. He spends his time helping big brands evolve, whether that was in-house at Ford or today as a consultant. So why is he so obsessed with the past? And what is he doing building a side project that historians and NBA players alike seem to love?   (Slingshots are short stories about a creative side project that led somewhere surprising or unexpected. They run every other week as part of Unthinkable.) LINKS TO KNOW:   Scott's side project: [](   Scott's newsletter and related mini-podcast: [](   Scott's Twitter: [](   Jay's Twitter: [](   Jay's Snapchat: [](   TOPICS DISCUSSED: Marketing Media Newsletters Technology Sherlock Holmes Sir Arthur Conan Doyle I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere Blogging Podcasting Creativity Intuition

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An inside look at the unconventional choices of quality-obsessed creators – and the memorable things they made as a result. It's a show about trusting your intuition and your craft more than best practices and blueprints. Since 2016, Unthinkable has inspired creators to ship more personal, powerful work. In the era of AI and endless commodity content, that type of work is now urgent. Hosted by Jay Acunzo, founder of the Creator Kitchen.