77. How to take amazing photos of Italy (with you in them!)
#077 Tips for photographing your trip to Italy One of our favorite things to do is look at photos of past trips to Italy and relive the memories of time spent soaking up La Dolce Vita. Italy has to be one of the most photogenic countries in the world but sometimes the photo we hoped we had taken didn't quite turn out the way we wanted it to.If you want to take great photos in Italy, it pays to be a little prepared. On this week's episode, we chat to professional photographers Natalie and Andrea from Flytographer who love taking photos of visitors on their vacation to Italy. They share their tips for taking the perfect snaps from Rome to the Amalfi Coast!Get all the tips and details of the gear mentioned in the show in the full show notes for this episode at > https://untolditaly.com/77Support the showJoin our mailing list and get our FREE Italy trip planning checklist - subscribe here | Join us on tour: Trip schedule | Discover our Trip Planning Services | Visit our online store | Follow: Instagram • Facebook • YouTube • Italy Travel Planning CommunityThe Untold Italy travel podcast is an independent production. Podcast Editing, Audio Production and Website Development by Mark Hatter. Production Assistance and Content Writing by the other Katie Clarke - yes there are two of us!