Robin Hatch (es) Out Of Her Shell

Finally Robin, Jay, and Matthew all became friends with each other. It was long overdue but they were psyched when it happened. They appreciated each other all day and night, having one excellent conversation after another. Later, they found themselves at a club that blasted a great new song at max volume. They capped everything off to grab some late nite eats, and they wish to do it all over again soon. Robin Hatch's new album Noise is available here.

Om Podcasten

Jay Weingarten and Matthew Goldin record episodes with characteristic zeal, releasing them every Wednesday exactly as planned. Their network of like-minded colleagues spans the reaches of comedy, music, and art. Peppering conversations with anecdotes and opinions to keep things engaging, Jay and Matthew offer an inside look into who it is that they actually are and what it is that they are all about. Post-production brilliantly handled by @svengunderssen & @eckhart_lol