42 - Steve Sarowitz

Steve Sarowitz is this week's guest.He is the founder of Paylocity, philanthropist and humanitarian. He is the co-founder of Wayfarer Studios, whose efforts in entertainment are focused on creating impactful, purpose driven content. He is also a dedicated member of the Bahá’í faith.Our conversation went in many directions, among others how love and conscious choices can change the world, to make sure that both heart and mind are heard when we make decisions, Breathing, philanthropy and why great wealth should be shared and then we also talked movies and stuff 😊A great day in the studio. Thank you Steve🙏🏻Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by guests on "Uperfekt med vilje" are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the podcast or the host.Follow me on social media:Instagram: @LasseWiweTikTok: @LasseWiweLinkedIn: Lasse WiweLearn more at:www.lassewiwe.com

Om Podcasten

Tag de meningsfulde valg, mens du stadig opnår dine mål i livetDet er en af pointerne i denne podcast, med den succesfulde Serieiværksætter & innovatør Lasse Wiwe.Han dykker dybt sammen med nogen af de mennesker han selv er fascineret af, for at uddanne, inspirere & styrke dig til at frigøre dit bedste, mest autentiske jeg.En podcast om personlig & professionel udvikling.Livet og forretning handler ikke om at have mest,det handler om at have nok, både økonomisk & personligt.Du skal høre med hvis du føler du har mere i dig, end det du i øjeblikket præsterer.Mere på: www.lassewiwe.com