Celebrating One Year Alcohol Free

Send Randi a MessageIn today's episode, I'm celebrating one year of being alcohol free and sharing with you the story of how I got to this place in my life. My intention for this episode is not to shame anyone for their choice to consume alcohol or try to convince anyone that they need to give up drinking. My intention is just to share why I made the decision a year ago to stop drinking, what my relationship was like with alcohol that lead me to that point, and how my life h...

Om Podcasten

Welcome to the Uplifting Podcast. This is your space for cosmic conversations with your host, Randi Lee, 6/2 Sacral Generator with the Cross of Cycles 2.  My gift is translating esoteric wisdom and complex systems like Human Design and Gene Keys into easily understandable language so you can uncover your inner truth and the higher purpose of your DNA. Each week, I bring you powerful conversations with fractal family who are embodying their unique design as well as solo episodes from me to support you in stepping into your true power. Human Design and Gene Keys are your personal roadmap to awakening. You're a once in a lifetime cosmic event that will never be duplicated or repeated. Are you ready to be uplifted? If so, you've landed in the right space.