189: How to have a fulfilling career as a landscape architect? (guest: Ludo Pittie - Director of Landscape Advisory at WSP)

Welcome to the newest episode of Urbcast's Landscape Architecture Series! 🌱 in which we discuss: How to have a fulfilling career as a landscape architect? 🧐 Ludo Pittie (Director of Landscape Advisory at WSP) takes us on an inspiring journey through landscape architecture, emphasizing the need for diversity and mutual understanding between designers, employers, and clients. We discuss the shortage of landscape architects and how to address this challenge as the world increasingly relies on the profession to tackle significant issues. Some themes of our discussion: ✅ wsp's apporach to landscape projects ✅ Diversity in the workplace ✅ Leadership and mentorship in the profession ✅ Client engagement and ambition This episode was recorded at and brought to you together with Urban Future. Hit the 🔔, to get notified about the new episodes. You can get to know more: ⁠About Urbcast⁠ ⁠About Ludo wsp Music: ⁠⁠⁠⁠spear_oh #urbcast #podcast #architecture #urbanism #landscape #landscapearchitecture #urbanfuture #uf24 #ludopittie #wsp

Om Podcasten

Urbcast is a bilingual podcast about cities, urbanism and more. Every week you will hear about my observations regarding cities, urban design, architecture, living in the Scandinavian capital of design — Copenhagen and interviews with various guests. Urbcast to dwujęzyczny podcast o miastach, urbanistyce i nie tylko. Co tydzień usłyszysz w nim o moich spostrzeżeniach dotyczących miast, architektury, Kopenhagi, posłuchasz rozmów z gośćmi - nie tylko ze świata urbanistyki. By Marcin Wojciech Żebrowski — urbanist and city lover info@urbcast.pl | https://linktr.ee/urbcast