Vithursika Vinasiththamby: How can YOU give a TED talk?

Join us for a cosy talk with Vithursika about
- Giving a TED Talk
- Being a chair at Twente Debating Society
- Being a vice-Chair of the national board of Frisse Gedachtes (platform, providing support to students, fighting with loneliness, isolation or other problems)
- Graduating from Processes of Change Honours program

Twente Debating Society:
Frise Hedachtes:

Om Podcasten

Listen to entertaining talks with ambitious students to discover exciting secrets and upgrade your study journey! In our episodes, we talk with motivated students from the University of Twente about their - Student life - Extracurricular courses - Jobs - Study associations - Any other opportunities at the UT If you want to make your student life more vibrant, this is the podcast for you! Our socials: