Q&A: Our stories, Christian punk rock, and Baptist spaceships

Support for this program occurs at patreon.com/vbspodcast, where we have stickers, mugs, a Discord, hats (for now), early episode access, and so forth! - Taking a break from the main storyline, where we're making hilariously little progress (but having fun anyway), to talk whatever y'all wanted. - Oh family, it's testimony time!  - Christian punk rock bands, ranked!  - Why were Cain's veggies bad, if most of the dietary laws were about regulating dangerous meat? - Sunday school teachers, youth pastors, and finding God in s e c u l a r culture  - What's the Bible say about refugees? - The terrible Baptist hymn about spaceships is ... on the right track! -  Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and newsletter town  - And if you like, give this podcast a lil ole rating and review on your listening app!

Om Podcasten

Jason Kirk, Emily Kirk, and friends are finding the Bible is so much better and weirder than we were taught as church kids. Story by story, we're having fun learning history, religion, literature, mythology, and the amazingly weird stuff. All are welcome! Perfect five-star rating on Apple Podcasts! Contact us at vacationbibleschoolpodcast@gmail.com, if you like! (Sure, it's long! Copy and paste like Matthew did the Gospel of Mark!)