20 - Sorin Anghel, Product Manager at SAS (compliance, fraud prevention, AI, AML, risk appetite)

In this episode I am accompanied by a super experienced AML and compliance professional, Sorin Anghel! Sorin is an engineer by his background and joined PW Central and Eastern Europe in the 90s being involved in the audit and advisory activities mostly for financial institutions in The Czech Rep, Romania and the former CIS space. He has continued his career for 7 years with JP Morgan Chase as Senior Financial and Operations Officer in Romania and Belgium being member of the Board of Directors for the respective subsidiaries. In the recent years at SAS he has used his analytical skills in the development of risk and compliance products.  From this episode you can learn what challenges has covid-19 created in the field of compliance, what role AI can play when it comes to anti-moneylaundering, how a bank/company should measure its risk appetite and many more! Sound engineer: Bence Jacsó. 

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Ez a Védelmi Vonalak, a banki kontroll funkciók podcastja. Célom a compliance, a kockázatkezelés, a belső ellenőrzés és a bankbiztonság aktuális trendjeinek, lehetséges jövőjének felvázolása a szakma legjelesebb képviselőinek segítségével. Vendégeim minden esetben olyanok, akik a maguk szakterületén nagyot alkottak, munkájukkal hozzájárultak a prudens banki működéshez és a pénzintézetekbe vetett bizalom növekedéséhez.